When using the extension on the article above, and using my university as the institute, I get: “Article available here Your library has this article available for you in a different database. [Get Citation] [Access Article]”. When using Anna’s Archive, I get “Library Access This extension will open when you are looking at databases that your library subscribes to. This will help you access the resources provided by your library.”
If I am using Lean Library Open as an institute and I am on Anna’s Archive, I get: “Lean Library Open The extension will only be active when you are on an academic site. If you have any questions, contact us”.
When using the extension on the article above, and using my university as the institute, I get: “Article available here Your library has this article available for you in a different database. [Get Citation] [Access Article]”. When using Anna’s Archive, I get “Library Access This extension will open when you are looking at databases that your library subscribes to. This will help you access the resources provided by your library.”
If I am using Lean Library Open as an institute and I am on Anna’s Archive, I get: “Lean Library Open The extension will only be active when you are on an academic site. If you have any questions, contact us”.
I haven’t had any issues with it to be honest.