We’ve all got them, gaming pet-peeves. Maybe it’s the unskippable cutscene, or the poorly placed checkpoint that means you’ve got to sit through the aforementioned cutscene once again. Maybe it’s the end-game boss with a surprise second health-bar, or the random difficulty spike that doesn’t feel fair.

What’s on your videogame sh*t list?

  • 🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️@yiffit.net
    4 months ago

    The most frustrating thing in gaming that has existed since the dawn of gaming and persists to some degree today: having your inputs just totally get eaten so your character doesn’t perform the action you expected when you hit the button.

    From failing to jump right as you hit the edge of a cliff in Super Mario to ignoring a roll in Dark Souls, input lag/dropping is the biggest annoyance in any game of any style. Even those that timing isn’t important.

    • SbisasCostlyTurnoverOPM
      4 months ago

      Having an issue with this right now. I’m playing a Soulslike called Thymesia and whenever I hit the heal button (Up on dpad) it’ll have to wait for the animation to finish before I get the heal. It feels slow at best and downright unfair at worst.

      • Jedi Fallen Order kept doing this with its healing animation. That and like grabbing a zip line are dependant on the animation of your little droid and sometimes he’s off doing something else so it won’t actually heal you or let you grab a zipline.

        But even more annoying is when it starts the animation of the robot tossing you a stim, and your character catching it and then… You lose a stim but don’t actually heal. 😬