I’m not a vegan, but in excited by the idea of lab grown meat replacing traditional evil farming practices

  • stabby_cicada@slrpnk.net
    7 months ago

    Here’s the thing, as I see it. Meat eaters don’t genuinely care about the ethics of meat. They give no shits about factory farming. So lab grown meat won’t be popular until it becomes significantly cheaper than standard factory farming. And even then conservatives will insist on eating real meat for ideological reasons, just like they do today.

    (I mean, look at the impossible burgers. They were damn near identical to ground beef, and at a similar price point. But similar wasn’t good enough - they didn’t get it cheaper than actual ground beef so it ended up just a brief fad.)

    And lab grown meat doesn’t have the short supply chain of a live animal in a field. Even factory farming at its most factoriest is pretty straightforward - grow corn, feed it to pigs in tiny cages, pump them full of antibiotics, repeat. Lab grown meat doesn’t have the cruelty factor but the complexity of its supply chain and the amount of artificial inputs it requires, not only make it antithetical to solarpunk philosophy in a different way, but make it highly unlikely it’ll ever be competitive price-wise.

    What we need is a pre-industrial-revolution attitude towards food. Our calories should be primarily vegetarian and vegan, grown naturally from the soil. Food shouldn’t be an industrial product. And there’s nothing more industrial than lab-grown meat.