Just within a week, we’ve (as ESN) been able to set up an amazingly balanced and expansive server that’s both fair and actually enjoyable to play on and interact with the community, we’d like to thank all our beloved newcomers coming fromm lemmee and to our beloved community member Atlas for creating this trailer for us!

Yet, this Lemmy community is not supposed to be for us to advertise our own server or to just gain followers & clout, we’ve created this community so the actual community of Space Engineers that’s on the Fediverse can interact & have fun with other members of the said Space Engineers community & have fun as they please; therefore, i’d like for the players, fans & followers of the game (yes, you might just be one of them 😜 ) to if possible populate this community with their own posts; so, please, share fun clips, interesting videos & other cool stuff from within the game if you can so we can together see this community grow & prosper, all while resting assured that no companies are playing games with our data in the background 😉 So, if you can, please do be active on this community; it’d really be appreciated if you can. Thank you <3