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The original was posted on /r/aboringdystopia by /u/pinklewickers on 2024-04-26 17:51:16.

The fact that this drivel is even printed is a sign of how far we’ve gone down the dystopian rabbit hole.

  • Leftwing Fascism (oxymoron)
  • Leftwing totalitarianism (oxymoron)
  • Peaceful protests are “challenging representative democracy” but not a fundamental right in a healthy one. Disruption is part of the action. Violence came from those ostensibly in charge of upholding the law (ergo rights) for the citizens to which they serve
  • Calling for the arrest of protesters based solely on them being disruptive to public events/infrastructure is potential violation of civil liberties if the protests are otherwise peaceful.

These dangerous terms will stick with the vast majority of purposely misinformed, poorly-educated, and feeble-minded citizens.

I despair.