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The original was posted on /r/cfs by /u/Cartographer300 on 2024-08-09 08:21:38+00:00.

You know?

Very severe broke alone

For the fact that I’m here rotting alone in a room that smells like pee and shit and I can barely move

For the fact that I feel like as if I was going to die

I actually read that we feel like people the days before they die. Just that for us it keeps going and going it never ends.

I remember also seeing videos of people with cancer going through treatment and they were doing better symptom-wise than me before this crash when I was just severe. And I was like wtf

And later I’ve read that out quality of life can be worse than that of many people going through cancer treatments.

I even seen terminally ill people that can walk to the park. I mean I’m sure it’s not everyone. Others can apparently talk and watch videos. I don’t know if it’s all the time or not.

I’m going crazy playing dead in the dark. Surviving on milk cartons.

I wish I could literally tell any friend of the ones that lived here how bad I’m doing and that they’d come straight away. Or at least come to help at some point

I guess I just feel lonely

My neck hurts so bad that I can’t sleep and I can’t even get a PT over

I guess I just feel lonely

I just wish someone gave a shit about what I’m going through enough to do something about it. Not just say, I’m sorry, I hope you make it out “somehow”.

I know it’s too much to ask