• sweatersocialist [comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    1 month ago

    good for them, skating is a great thing to get into. it teaches all sorts of personal improvement and community building.

    a lot of people not connected to the skateboarding world dont know all that the culture has to offer. skaters will straight up just find a spot and all work together to build a skatepark there by theselves unsanctioned by the city. they don’t give a shit about so called property rights, and a lot of them live in “skate houses” where there will be like 5 people to a bedroom all sleeping on the floor and the couch so everyone can just pay like 50 bucks a month in rent and not have to worry about working 40hrs a week and then they all have time to skate. usually also pooling money for communal drugs and alcohol lol.

    they also hate cops, always a plus. im a weirdo autist and 100% of my social skills came from skateboarding. i never would’ve been able to learn to talk to girls or anything had i not gotten into skating.

    highly recommend lifestyle. if skateboarders and juggalos came together and enacted their collective will the bourgeoisie would crumble in a week

    • YuccaMan [he/him]@hexbear.net
      1 month ago

      That all sounds utterly fascinating, and also cause for me to once again bemoan my utter lack of coordination and balance

      I never could get a grip on skateboarding as a kid. Alas

      • sweatersocialist [comrade/them]@hexbear.net
        1 month ago

        i’ve been skateboarding and aggressive rollerblading since i was 5 years old and now i’m 31, i personally feel like anyone who sticks with it long enough can learn, but it’s definitely way harder to learn as an adult than a kid.

        there was actually a really funny indecent involving beanie baby tim pool and his local skate scene fairly recently. there’s a DIY (one of those unsanctioned skateparks i was talking about) where they were holding a contest, and tim pool tried to buy his way into the scene by offering up 20k in prize money for the winner, but they declined, told him to fuck off and that he’s not allowed anywhere near their DIY. he cried, called them communists, and his bitch ass spent like a million dollars to buy the land their DIY is built on just so he can lord it over them that “he still lets them skate there”. bro is pathetic.

        • YuccaMan [he/him]@hexbear.net
          1 month ago

          Jesus Christ, how embarrassing. This kind of behavior is so baffling to me. I’ve been verging on poor for a good bit of my life, and I’ve earned money by working with my hands more often than not (and thank fucking god I’m not doing that anymore for the foreseeable future.) If I had Tim Pool’s money, nobody would ever see my happy ass again.

          At any rate, yeah, I never could get a grip on it. Never got a handle on roller blades either. Got pretty good with four-wheelers though lol

          I’ve always been crap at sports in general, even things that I should’ve logically been good at, like wrestling (I’m a large lad.) I don’t know if it’s the ADHD or what, but not being able to get good at something right away often leads me to quit from sheer embarrassment.