Hi all - I’m from the Federal Liberal Command community team, just wanted to heads-up people about out plans for Powerplay 2.0. I’m going to reproduce my colleague Cmdr August Lagrange’s post on our subreddit about it. Please come to our server if you want to know more about PP2.0! Or come to our subreddit and check out our weekly strategy update posts.


Over the past few months I’ve been developing and executing a strategy for dealing with the impending arrival of PowerPlay 2.0. I’ve given it a lot of thought, because I’m an obsessive nerd that can’t just enjoy things. I thought it might be good to post about it because others might have their own ways of contributing, so it’s worth spreading awareness of (actually there’s another reason for posting that I’ll mention later).


Our members will know that I’m a programmer, because I never shut up about it. I’ve developed various programs for the FLC- the most well-known being a web app (at https://flcsheets.azurewebsites.net/) which provides a front-end for our spreadsheets, and has authentication and authorisation using Discord. This is one part of my strategy: to advertise us using good-looking software. What most won’t see is that I’ve developed a community-management program that tracks Discord activity for things like promotion recommendations. This was designed to deal with a potential influx of recruits, which could tax our community department, who will be busy enough as 2.0 comes out.

Post-2.0, I’ll obviously be making what changes are needed to adapt this software to whatever changes are made to our sheets.


I’ve always been a fan of diplomacy and I’ve felt that we’ve often been too reluctant to do it (which could just be because we’re gamers, we want to do, not talk, I’m just a gasbag).

To be up-front, Frontier have not been talking to the organised communities involved in PowerPlay. They’ve been prioritising bringing in new players, which means that we are not being represented. So my plan is to talk to the other powers about the issues they experience post-2.0 and provide a cohesive, as-inarguable-as-possible accounting of who is experiencing what. That way, we can present that to FDev as something that we’re all agreed on. I’ve already presented this plan to each power, who have all agreed on the structure, so we’re ready on that front.

Social Media

This is something everyone can help with. Post 2.0 (and to a certain degree right now) we can be active on Reddit, on the Frontier forum, and anywhere else we have a presence to start talking about PowerPlay. Yes, even you stinky imperials! The more people we get into PowerPlay, the better the experience we all have. And when 2.0 comes out, there are going to be a LOT of people curious about it, who will be considering which power to join. We have to make our case, not just for Winters, but for the FLC in particular. I’ve been trying to increase my usage of social media (I don’t normally use it much outside of Discord), and I want to encourage others to do the same.

That’s enough wall-of-texting from me. If anyone wants to help with this and isn’t in the Discord, get in there. Work with us to make this the best community experience possible.