I’m concerned that her father isn’t getting his recommended daily allowance of nicotine.
“To meditate secretly whilst going about your day, breathe slowly in through your pipe and then slowly out through your cigarette”
I don’t know that it’s a cigarette. It isn’t in his mouth, it’s below it. I think it must be some sort of exhaust pipe. Either that, or her ghost mother is standing in front of him and smoking it.
I did find that a little odd, I wondered if he had an elaborate z-shaped cigarette-holder, or as you say, had a smoking exhaust installed in his chin/cheek.
It may be a coloring issue. I think his mouth is open, since he’s speaking, but is not white for the teeth. May be a limitation of the coloring tech from that era.
If you consider an open mouth, then the cig is in the right place.
So we’re back around to “cigarette and pipe” then?
Also, that means the pipe is in his nose.
Possibly even roommates!
Girls go to college, to get more knowledge… about girls.
They should’ve gone to Mars. They have candy bars.