Good News. Kentucky re-elected Democratic governor. Virginia flipped house of delegates to Democrats, gaining complete control of state legislature.

Kentucky shows is that even in red states, Democrats have the numbers. This shows how critical showing up and voting is.

GOP/Republicans bad for climate change. They deny it, say it isn’t humans, etc. Democrats at least acknowledge we need to do something.

For those outside the US, we have first past the post voting, which inevitably leads to two political parties.

State governments hold a lot of power. They are almost completely over sovereign with certain restrictions and reservations of power by our federal government.

GOP (aka Republicans) = Right to far right. I.e. libertarian, fascist, conservative, Christian nationalist.

Democrat = center right to far left. I.e. conservative, progressive, socialist, neoliberal

Democrats have greater numbers by a good margin, but have lower voter turnout and are disenfranchised electorial due to gerrymandering.

    11 months ago

    oh yeah but that has always been the case with democrats. they are more centerist or at best left of center than progressive. The only reason they have genuinely progressive and liberal folk in the party is because of our two party system. It used to be sorta the same but oppositely with republicans although they were farther from the center. I can’t even say they have become more conservative unless you only use their way of doing things for the last few decades. To me its just crazy almost random stuff. Its us vs them where us seems to change on some sort of fad basis or is defined by anti them or something.