I tried everything, from Esc, Ctrl-C, REISUB, even ctrl-alt-delete.
I gave up and held down the power button
It’s <Esc>, ‘:’ ‘q’ <Return>. ‘Esc’ to return to normal mode. ‘:’ to begin entering a command, ‘q’ to actually quit, and <Return> to send the command. For safety, vim does not allow you to quit without saving. You can either override this behaviour by appending a ‘!’ after ‘q’, to tell vim to quit without saving, or use ‘:’ ‘w’ <Return>, while in normal mode, to save the file first. Writing and quitting can be combined into ‘:’ ‘w’ ‘q’ <Return> to save and quit.
Esc Esc Esc Esc :q!
give up and use nano next time :^)
nano is great, however what if it is not installed and you can’t install it for what ever reason?
Open a new terminal session to the host, and force kill the other session! Its the only way.
And then you just press the power button.
Came here to say this. I just unplug the computer and throw it out!
I can’t believe that there are still people that code in Vim, lol 😂. Not only that, but they encourage others to learn how to use it and code in it… WTF, I get that some people like retro stuff, but that’s just plain stupid. Why not code in ASM then, it’s retro as well 😂.
Because it’s super fast and beautiful. I use neovim though, not vim. Colleagues are always asking me how i can move around so fast. Well because it’s all shortcuts and since the editor responds instantly… It just happens very fast.
It makes it a lot more fun to edit code :)
VS code is also decent but it has that laggy feeling all the time, and it’s frustrating.
Still… better than TECO.
Hopefully terminal-based editors aren’t considered too off-topic. Just thought it was funny :)
there’s no reason to continue this discussion, cus, I’m locking this thread.
Don’t even wait for þat shit to shut down normally just hold it down