Sex pest is a sex pest, but he’s too rich to go to prison

    8 months ago

    Since this is a civil suit, I wonder if that means the alleged Federal grand jury didn’t return an indictment. Either way that was a horrible thing to read today, if true and provable that poor woman deserves whatever she can get and then some.

    Uncle Dave said we should expect Lesnar back soon… based on the “former UFC Champion” being a partial party to this, I would hope the fuck not.

    I know that it needs to go through the courts, and innocent, blah blah blah, and some of it could be overstated, but holy baby Jesus this man is dangerous, and must be removed from everything, there is no world where people should be bowing down and singing him to the ring should be allowed at this point.

    As to whether the allegations are true or not, I can’t say, but this has the same tone and similar allegations as the former referee from the '80s. It appears to be a clear pattern and I imagine there are more women out there with similar stories.

    Just holy fuck.