I saw sides to Baldur’s Gate 3 last week - at an event for the launch version of the game (due 3rd August on PC) - I di…

  • Hairyblue@kbin.socialOP
    1 year ago

    Larian is on the cusp of a new era, I believe. Baldur’s Gate 3 will, if all things go to plan, make it one of the most well-known role-playing game studios on the planet. It will stand alongside the BioWares and the CD Projekt Reds and the Bethesda Game Studios of the world.

    I think this is true. In the D&D games I played, there was narration, and dialogue, roleplay, (cinematics in games) and battles (where I am on the combat area, what action I am taking, spells, sword attack) and I think Larian was done a great job with this. I believe Baldur’s Gate 3 will make them super famous. And they will deserve it.

    • conciselyverbose@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      It got me to try divinity: original sin 2 again after getting distracted last time and it sold me hard on BG3 (I haven’t played the early access, but I’ll play it near launch when controllers are supported (D:OS plays great on steam deck) and I can have a real save. I was (and still am) looking extremely forward to Starfield, and I think BG3 might push back me starting that. It’s a couple huge RPGs (different styles obviously) in very short succession.

  • Oldmandan@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    Sad they’re looking to consolidate, puts a firm nail in the coffin of the idea that I might be able to pester their Quebec office for a job if my eng degree doesn’t pan out jobs-wise, but I get it. :P (Bigger company gets harder to manage, especially if you’re trying to maintain a healthy environment low on coporate bullshit.) Super hyped for any and every project they put out in the future, if they are able to so much as replicate what they’ve done with BG3, never mind expand on it.