• 3 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • Maybe this is a semantic thing, but communist parties actually don’t force revolutions. A revolutionary situation from capitalist crisis must occur for that to happen. This is clarified by Lenin. Trying to force a revolution before a truly revolutionary situation is an error ultra-left parties and orgs do and it ends up alienating them from the masses.

    (Good) communist parties aren’t passive though; they build revolutionary consciousness, provide alternative systems for addressing people’s needs, and form networks with other organizations and unions and ultimately win over as much as the working masses and their allies that they can, so that when a revolutionary situation occurs the people have a party to turn towards. Communists don’t wait; they organize and prepare.

  • If you just compare their administrations in terms of their material effect, Biden has objectively been more evil than Trump. He has started more wars, is responsible for magnitudes more death, has overseen further strengthening of the police state, and has gifted even more working-class wealth to the billionaire class.

    The lesson to draw is that no matter who is president, Amerikkka will continue to accelerate into fascism and barbarism.

  • As unsatisfying as it would be for the imperial core not to be subject to the same external horrors that they’ve inflicted on the rest of humanity, the world should not need to stoop to the level of the colonizers. The imperial core will continue to grow weaker as China and successive countries that develop continue to build an alternative model of global coexistence. These Western colonizers will then cannibalize their own and eventually succumb to the movements led by their own exploited populaces. At least, that’s the best case scenario for the world.