• 2 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2024


  • Let’s assume OOP is an openly gay dude. That’s why he has a profile pic on grindr (implied). The dude who’s hounding him doesn’t.

    Suppose OP is roommates with a woman.

    Suppose that woman is in a relationship with a guy who’s bi/curious/closeted and is hounding OOP because he’s seen him while visiting her.

    That would make sense.

    But I think it’s just a punchline

  • I was very daunted by driving when I started, especially when I had to drive a really old clunky low-power diesel Mercedes with my overly critical dad and big brother yelling at me.

    Didn’t take long for it to become second nature, and I actually drove taxis for several years.

    It literally just takes a while for your brain to get accustomed to everything. Yes, youre right in that a manual can be a distraction from learning traffic, but it really doesn’t take long for the shifting to become very natural, and then you can pay attention to the traffic.

    As for actual tips on the clutch, it’s not really as much a matter of millimeters, as it is about the balance between throttle and clutch. Don’t be afraid to give it a bit more gas to makeita sure you won’t stop the car even if you let go of the clutch slower. Yes it will sound a bit like a student driver, revving the car “needlessly”, but you are a student driver and it isn’t needless revving, because you’re still learning the feel for the clutch.

    It also depend a lot on the make and model of the car the school has. It’s a bit of a personal preference, but clutches are really different in different cars. You might really like a 90’s Mercedes with a reeaally long clutch, but that too takes getting a bit used to. I remember the cars my car school had were fairly new Ford’s, and they had really short clutches. Annoyed me as well.

    Honestly took me less than a year of driving and I knew how to shift without a clutch. Some really old 70’s sand lorries my dad used to drive didn’t have clutches, so he taught me how to (in some cars it works some don’t really like it, but basically you could do it in all manual cars, without damaging the gearbox if you do it properly); when accelerating, just as you let go of the throttle, like 0.5sec after that there’s a short period where you can just pull the gear to neutral without any resistance. That’s easy. Shifting into gear from neutral without clutch isn’t as easy, but in some cars, not much of a challenge. You need to rev the engine to match the rpm, but like with a short press of the gas pedal, which revs the rpm higher than it needs to, then when the rpm is coming down there’s a window where you can shift into gear really easily.

    I ramble, you don’t need to thin about that.

    I would suggest, if possible (idk if you have a learners permit or smth and can drive under parent supervision), to practice driving on highways and country roads for less traffic to learn the car better. If not, maybe ask your teacher on the next lesson if you could do that.

    And if not, if you have to drive in the city, the most important is just to remember that the panic and rudeness you feel isn’t something which should make you hurry. People will be annoyed, but you have a right to annoy them, as you’re learning. It’s a shit thing, being a learning driver, but once you get your licence and get to take the car on a long drive yourself on some chill roads, you might actually enjoy the driving because the stress won’t be there. And then learning will become easier as well, when your heart isn’t beating through your chest with someone watching over you.

    Just keep at it. You know what to do. Now it’s just a bit of repetition.

    Edit oh and ask anything if you like, 3rd gen taxi driver, drove since 2007 (not driving currently). No stupid questions exist. So anything at all, go ahead.

  • Except I did answer your questions. Address the first book I’ve given, and then we’ll talk about nine others, mkay? Or was there perhaps zero reason for you to ask them, because you were asking in bad faith and had no response to when me offering actual literature as an answer, and now you’re just pissy about it?

    No, I don’t agree that the prohibition of all drugs has to be lifted for the good of society

    Then you’re either ignorant of the subject, or directly benefitting from the prohibition. There’s simply no other alternative. The prohibition of drugs is harmful to society.

    What I do believe is drugs should be available for use by consenting adults in a heavily regulated market coupled with intense social safety nets to deal with drug use related problems.

    That is them being legal. I never said “unrestricted access to any drug”, did I? (But you won’t have the same asinine literal criteria for your own arguments as you’re trying to do with mine, showing yet another measure of pretentiousness.)

    This edit is hilarious as well. Made especially funny by the fact that no one is arguing for drug prohibition.

    You’re arguing against the facts of the matter, and now pretending like you don’t know that you’ve only now stated your opinion on the matter, and clearly argued against me, who made his stance very clear. You’re just so pretentious it twists my stomach.

  • “I won’t be replying anymore” was in your last comment, was it not?

    See this is why I left my comment in the first place; people like you get so irrationally emotional over this that there’s no talking about it.

    Is it that you’ve been lied to, or is it that you actually happened to believe something so ridiculous?

    The propaganda is so strong, that you’re defending the prohibition and drug propaganda, because you don’t want to admit having been influenced by it.

    Got a bit angry about that “fallacy fallacy” thing as well, I think. You thought you had some sort of gotcha or something, but you’re really bad at debating man. You’re arguing nothing, and all you’re doing is poorly imitating what you’ve seen other people say in some debates, without even understanding the things you talk about.

    We have to get rid of the prohibition, but because of people like you, it’s very hard.

  • You’re not aware of prohibitions and now surrendered your whole “do you think there weren’t any drug prohibitions before the 20th century” point, because I actually know the topic, and you don’t.

    Logical Fallacy.

    Oh, you’re one of those.


    It is entirely possible to make a claim that is false yet argue with logical coherency for that claim, just as it is possible to make a claim that is true and justify it with various fallacies and poor arguments.

    Everyone knows I am setting impossible goals?

    In the sense of arbitrary goals which mean absolutely nothing and which you never expected me to fulfill anyway. Almost as if you didn’t ask that in… good faith. Oh great master debater, perhaps you need to check the basics of rhetoric again? https://cssah.famu.edu/departments-and-centers/visual-arts-humanities-and-theatre/philosophy-and-religion/ctresources/Argument Basics.docx

    I said I support drug prohibition

    “What’s an implication”

    I think I have explicitly demonstrated how you have not answered a single question

    You literally have not. You’ve engaged in bad faith bullshit, while thinking you have some gothas. I’m more and more certain that I’ve been arguing this longer than you’ve actually been alive. (Like 95% sure.)

    Feel free to write another novel in the comments.

    “Help me, I’m pretending to be smart but also, I can’t read anything that’s more than three phrases!”

    You literally can not even question your attitude towards the subject due to propaganda.

    I linked literature just like you asked. Perhaps it doesn’t matter, because you didn’t ask in good faith, and are just a thrashy pseudointellectual kid who’s pretending to argue a thing they know nothing about, while thinking writing “fallacy” means something, while pretending their implications don’t exist.

    Git gud nob