IceWallowCum [he/him]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • I think the problem here is defining what communism is supposed to be, or what constitutes these “political structures.”

    For Marx the “political structure” stems from the mode of production, what we usually call the base. In a very shortened form, it’s the interacting between productive forces, means of production and the property regime (and all its consequences). As Capital tries to multiply itself, capitalism has shown a development of the complexity and productivity of the means of production, along with requiring workers that are able to deal with this complex production (specifically, this is dealt with by having multiple people act in unity towards a single product), in other words, developing the productive force. As capitalism develops, it accumulates property under a central command while simultaneously making it a collective tool. So, in capitalism’s specific case, we’re dealing with private property that is only used by a capacitated collective.

    The developing self-consciousness and organization of this productive collective pressures the regime of private property, which will strike back violently to keep existing, in the specific form of blunting the collective organization at all costs, as well as pushing back against the superstructure reflexions of these changes (i.e. fascism). If the self-conscious productive collective is victorious, it has been through a period where: the means of production have been transformed; the productive forces have been transformed; the property regime has been transformed. Thus, we have a new mode of production, and a new “political structure.”

    This is the tendency of capitalism. But notice that this assumes a more or less constant development of technology, for example. What if climate catastrophes hit too hard too fast in the coming years? Parts of civilization could be severed from eachother, and develop in different ways, depending on what exactly gets destroyed. Would an electricity-starved modern nation still develop factories as we know them? Or would property get fragmented again? What knowledge and techniques would be lost or gained? That we can’t predict.

  • “Ideology” is not a fixed thing, specially in unstable times and with the internet around. This is a confused person experiencing material decline with access to guns and internet forums, and that’s probably as deep as it goes. It only gets confusing if you think it is supposed to make sense on it’s own (ie. the whole analysis begins and ends with the parties and this one individual, nothing else). This is why marxists talk so much about “material conditions”, which is what makes nebulous political phenomena make sense

  • I think these current wars will possibly expose the tendency of world economy going forward.

    Since WWII, american capital has developed on the destruction of lesser economies so that land, resources and labor would be taken over by american companies. This has become the condition for the maintenance and perpetuation of this specific form of capital.

    But nowadays, struggling economies tend to turn towards not american companies, but Chinese ones. This means that the precondition for american capital is turning into the precondition of Chinese capital. Every time america tries to expand, it expands China instead or along with it.

    The interesting thing is that the Chinese strategy for growing further is way different: being an industrial economy, it depends on the other nation being able to acquire their industrial production. In other words, it depends on that nation developing a functioning industry and economy to absorb Chinese products into it, which not only strengthens China, but further weakens the misery-dependent american capital.

    On the other hand, that means america will need increasingly devastating wars and coups to keep going.

  • Somewhere in Grundrisse, Marx considers nations conquering others. He points out that pillaging a country consists in taking control of the components of their material production, and that the process of pillaging looks very different wether you’re considering conquering a rural economy (occupying land, taking hold of slaves…) or a nation of rentiers.

    We won’t be alive to see it, but I bet future historians will consider this current era as the conquest of the US empire