• 32 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 25th, 2023


  • That is all true, and it is somewhat uplifting. However, there is a long way for Russia to be a communist country, also many people can be just nostalgic about their youth, as well as many people may remember USSR as the late one, where many of ideals of the original Bolsheviks were compromised. Some of them just miss «the strong nation», not the Bolsheviks’ ideals of creating a just workers’ society and propagating it to the whole World. Without clear and not-too-pragmatic socialist leadership, they see a shadow of a shadow. I think KPRF is exactly in this flavour – the flavour of late USSR. But with no serious alternatives, their popularity gives me joy as well.

  • This says that it is not so bad – but still Russia cannot be called a communist country nor going in that direction. With using conservative rhetorics, references to tradition, history and religion, it – at least officially – presents itself as a far right country. Look at their coat of arms – it even looks like a tsarist one. Many – if not most – of European conservatives think of Russia as of «the last bastion of Christianity and European civilization». Far right scums like Le Pen was very supportive for Putin. You know there is much more. For me all such things looks plainly reactionary.

    Russia should be allowed to find whatever allies they want

    Russia is not only allowed, but it has means to enforce it. I am rather concerned that ideologically, morally and mentally Russia is far, far inferior to the early USSR. And this trend affects other countries of the Eastern Block. I live in Poland, which is divided by liberals and ultra-catholic far-rights, most probably backed by Kremlin. The country is literally divided – I can not talk with my father, since he belongs to PiS supporters and acts like a member of a sect. This is not a country I want to live in.