Rather than being placed under lock and key, it was revealed that the recipe was placed in a family scrapbook, written on the back of the last will and testament of Ledington’s aunt, Claudia.

    • Got_Bent@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      So on that note:

      Sanders sold his “Kentucky Fried Chicken” company in 1964 for two million dollars.

      Until his death in 1980, Sanders, always wearing his white suit and black string bowtie, worked as a spokesperson for the company he founded. But he wasn’t pleased with the taste of his famous chicken and gravy. In interviews, including in a 1970 New Yorker article, he was so upset by the quality of the food that he would tell reporters that the gravy “ain’t fit for my dogs.” In fact, he was so open about his disdain for the alterations made to his signature recipes that KFC sued him for libel in 1978. The suit was eventually thrown out.

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Their chicken has definitely gotten greasier over the years. Probably because they’re always lowering the quality of the meat that they purchase. Now they are super fat, hormone laden chickens.