Well, potentially a lot, specially when sold for crossing data with other sources. I worked in a place willing to lose millions of dollars a month, without profit, hoping that eventually in 1 or 2 years the few bits of personal info they were capturing could be sold.
Also worked on another place that aggregated all public info available for everyone and allowed with 2 clicks understand many things about a person and all their family for example.
How valuable is it?
Well, potentially a lot, specially when sold for crossing data with other sources. I worked in a place willing to lose millions of dollars a month, without profit, hoping that eventually in 1 or 2 years the few bits of personal info they were capturing could be sold.
Also worked on another place that aggregated all public info available for everyone and allowed with 2 clicks understand many things about a person and all their family for example.
No one knows
What are they going to do with it
It’s basically your ID on the internet, at least if you’re the regular person using same address everywhere.