Four eras, four seasons, aired 1983-1989. Rowan Atkinson, Hugh Laurie, Stephen Fry, Tony Robinson, and Rik Mayall. Hilarious and, in the end, famously poignant.

  • @burningmatches
    1011 months ago

    I re-watched recently. The first season is pretty bad. The familiar formula only really starts in the second season, and it’s comedy gold from there on.

      • HipPriest
        111 months ago

        Ben Elton wrote for all series apart from the first.

        Rowan Atkinson only wrote for the first series.

        Draw your own conclusions, but it seems to me that Elton strengthened the writing and had a lot of experience writing sitcoms; Atkinson was a sketch writer and it was probably wise for him to take a step back from writing and focus and performing.

        The first series has its moments but they nearly all involve BRIAN BLESSED!