Exclusive: Media company recently signed lucrative deal with Saudi government-controlled MBC Group

  • @Syldon
    7010 months ago

    We have to ban foreign nationals owning our media. They do not purchase media companies as business interests anymore; it is only ever about changing public opinion.

      • @Syldon
        210 months ago

        Why do you think they want to influence your opinion. It is all about making money, and a lot more than they expect from some crappy newspaper. GB news hasn’t made a single penny in profits, and yet are still giving out £100,000 pa contracts.

    • Carighan Maconar
      210 months ago

      OTOH, Vice is a private company.

      One could argue I guess that per country, international companies need to have distinct subsidiaries and those need to be fully owned and operated in that country only with no international cash flow.

      But it’d be quite difficult to enforce, I’d imagine.

      • @Syldon
        010 months ago

        Make it illegal to publish news media inside the borders if you are a foreign national. I wouldn’t have thought that a difficult concept.