I am curious how many people do not use desktops in this day and age. I do not. I use my phone for everything (online) tech related in my life.

Is this common?

  • @Mane25
    210 months ago

    Just as a separate follow-up comment (if you’ll excuse the double posting): I’m surprised the response here has been generally so anti-smartphone so far, given that the mass-migration from Reddit to KBin/Lemmy has been characterised as a reaction to Reddit killing mobile apps.

    • The reddit API shit didn’t impact my reddit use at all, but it was such a shitty thing for people that it spurned me to bail. I haven’t been back to reddit since. Things don’t have to impact me personally for me to react.

      • @Mane25
        110 months ago

        Same, yes, for me it just woke me up to how the quality of Reddit had been declining over the previous few years. It was like a boiling frog until then. I think the spez AMA was ultimately the final straw since it showed he just didn’t care about users or improving anything.

    • nicktronOP
      210 months ago

      This thought is what spurred me to make the thread - I would have guessed I’d see more people using mostly mobile for that exact reason.