• @Syldon
    39 months ago

    https://nationalconservatism.org/natcon-uk-2023/about/ is the main link imo. Phil Moorhouse said in one of his videos that this is heavily funded by the Republican party. I cannot find that video though. I also cannot find a link with these and Murdoch. It very much looks like the UK Tories are copying the Republicans. The way they have abused the UK is no where near as bad as the stunts of the Republicans over there.

    • @DarthBueller@lemmy.world
      39 months ago

      Brexit is by far one of the worst political stunts inflicted upon the UK I could possibly imagine. Losing the right to live and work in an entire continent worth of cultures and economies – sure, here in the US has a problem with guns, women as equals, “God and Country” white nationalism in every mega church across the nation, and American Exceptionalism, etc., but Brexit is a whole other level of stupidity.

      • @uis@lemmy.world
        19 months ago

        Yeah, Britain had a lot of exceptions as founder country and they decided to loose them.