Often in online conversations about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Ukrainians are not included in the conversation, and their perspective is not shared. This is not only true of main stream news, but alternative news outlets as well. This also includes conversations had in the streaming place, and streams broadcasted by Twitch’s top political streamer, Hasan Piker. So I gathered 4 Ukrainians from all across Ukraine, with varying political beliefs, to respond to statements made by Twitch’s top political pundit.

  • clara
    11 months ago

    yeah, i was watching him occasionally after the events of 7th october 2023. hasan was doing a react to some parent grieving that his kid was shot and killed, and the parent was saying “i’m glad my kid was shot because then i know she wasn’t taken hostage”

    the obvious implication was that the parent was expressing melancholic relief of the knowledge that yes, his daughter won’t be tortured or worse.

    instead, hasan takes that and states “see, he’s happy that his kid won’t have to suffer like the people in gaza” 😬

    (not those exact words, before some clip chimp finds the exact phrase to try and score points. but it was definitely this sentiment)

    it forced me to introspect and have a real “are we the baddies?” moment

    haven’t tuned in since

    • Eldritch@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      I’ve never watched Hasan. Though I’ve watched some adjacent content. Whatever’s goin on. He’s been in steady decline if there ever was a high point. Even Vaush has been calling it out lately for what it’s worth.

        • Eldritch@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          Yes. Despite agreeing politically with Vaush on a lot of things. I absolutely have my differences. I mean the whole thing of his immaturity is a big cringe point. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day though.