Always enjoyed scrolling though these posts, figured I’d give it a go here:

What are your must-have selfhosted services?

Some of mine:

  • SayCyberOnceMore
    17 months ago

    MythTV for the AV … Volumio too, but, not upgrading that to v3.

    Not seen radicale mentioned here…

    I was an early adopter of OwnCloud and then switched to Nextcloud and, well, just gave up with it… no-one edits documents on it, we don’t look at photos on it, but we did use a shared calendar… so I ditched that, installed radicale and been much happier (ie less admin time, more life time)

    Also running syncthing from our phones to a home built NAS and a tablet in the kitchen as the NextCloud photo upload was (still is?) broken.

    I run Arch btw

    Home Assistant of course… MotionEye in a Pi Zero…

    And it’s all behind a pfSense box with DNS and GeoIP blockers installed.

    Oh, and EmonCMS for my SolarPV.

      67 months ago

      I run Arch btw

      I don’t know if you were trying to be funny but that got a smirk out of me.

    • lemmyvore
      17 months ago

      I run Radicale, got all my calendars, contacts, tasks/reminders and even notes on it. It’s a great CalDAV & CardDAV server. Lightweight too, and backup is super simple since each thing is a plain text file. Been using it with DAVx5 on the phone and it works perfectly.

      • SayCyberOnceMore
        17 months ago

        What do you use on your phone for Tasks?

        OpenTasks is great, but hasn’t had an update in 3 years, but jtx Board is unclear and massive overkill for me

        • lemmyvore
          17 months ago

          I use Calengoo, it’s a calendar app that supports both events and tasks in the same app.

          But it depends on how you mean tasks, for me they’re strictly reminders for “do thing at time”. I don’t use them for shopping lists or notes or things like that.