• @jabjoe
    04 months ago

    That is a both sides argument. Trump is a new level of bad. If you want to have any chance of a future with a better political system, you want to keep Trump out. If you don’t vote Biden, you can’t complain if you get Trump.

      • @jabjoe
        14 months ago

        See if you still feel like if he gets in and does things like taking measures to stay in longer than another single term, withdraw from NATO and the UN.

        • Krause [he/him]
          -14 months ago

          withdraw from NATO and the UN

          why do you keep making him sound cool? trump won’t do any of these things if he’s elected

          • @jabjoe
            04 months ago

            That’s really not cool. It’s basically says to Europe “your on your own with Russia”. And to Russia “Go ahead, we won’t fight you.” Which means Putin will go further than invading Ukrainian. Which mean the EU has to go to war to call his Bluff. You could be looking at WWIII. The US will get sucked in regardless of how isolationist it wants to be. Just like WWI and WWII. So not cool to go pushing over dominoes of the post WWII world order. Especially dumb as the US has benefited a lot from said order.

            • Krause [he/him]
              4 months ago

              Especially dumb as the US has benefited a lot from said order.

              Yeah, I wonder why people want the “rules-based international order” to end, maybe it’s because they’re the ones on the shit end of the stick?

              • @jabjoe
                04 months ago

                Well I guess we will see what happens and hope it’s not world war again. If it is, we all lose.