A serial comma (or Oxford comma) is an optional comma used before the last item in a list. For example, “bread, butter, and tax evasion” uses a serial comma, whereas “bread, butter and tax evasion” does not.
Do you use it? Why or why not?
I always use it. I don’t perceive any less of a pause between the last two items in a list than between any others, so it feels natural to put a comma there as well. Tbh, I’m so used to it that I usually have to do a double-take when it’s not there (since it looks like a grammar error to me at first).
They’re sometimes necessary for disambiguation. I use them all the time because it’s easier than remembering to use them when they’re necessary.
Yeah exact same opinion. I’ve trained myself to use them by default. Not having one when necessary is a lot worse than having them where it’s not absolutely needed. Just totally cuts out any chance of ambiguity.