• @li10
    2223 days ago

    Based on the graphic, people watching them think they’re ass as well tho…

    Kinda the whole point of the post.

    • @BassTurd@lemmy.world
      2823 days ago

      Honestly, the scores aren’t really terrible for the most part. The colors of the graphic are certainly painting it worse than it is. Dark orange is still up to a 6.7 rating, which isn’t bad, and that’s close to the average for the majority of the “bad” season. What hurts them the most is that the first 10 season were so good, the delta between them and after was large.

      • @li10
        1223 days ago

        Honestly, less than 7 on IMDB is bad.

        Most average things fall between 7-8, 8+ is really good, 6 and lower is bad. So the colours actually do lineup with the score imo.

        5 absolutely doesn’t mean average on IMDB. If something gets a 5 then it’s absolute dogshit.

        • @bassomitron@lemmy.world
          823 days ago

          Not necessarily, context is pretty key on IMDb. There are plenty of shows and movies that get review bombed, especially if they’re tackling a controversial subject. And nowadays, if anything has even the slightest hint of either being “woke” or alrernatively making fun of “woke” subjects, either side will come in and drop a ton of 1’s, dropping the rating significantly. This happens with videogames all the time, too. The most famous example being Last of Us 2, where the game itself was really quite good (e.g. gameplay, design, pacing, etc), but because it included a trans character and a certain event at the beginning with a key character, the internet went rabid and bombed the shit out of the game at launch.

          • @Lojcs@lemm.ee
            22 days ago

            Imdb ratings mostly range between 5-10, and 6-8 range usually has the most difference within it. Even with ‘controversial’ items that seems true. Not to mention Simpsons isn’t that controversial of a thing

          • @li10
            523 days ago

            Well then let’s throw this entire post out of the window and not talk about it at all, if we’re taking the EvErYtHiNgS SuBjEcTiVe approach

    • miss phant
      1223 days ago

      The graphic in the post does cut off 4 seasons before the current one and also before where the top level comment mentioned writing got significantly better again.

    • @PhAzE@lemmy.ca
      523 days ago

      The graphic shows a stellar first 9 seasons, a medium next 15 seasons, and a terrible last 8 seasons… so the majority of them are medium with equal about good and bad episodes.