Hello folks! First, I’d like to clarify that, even as a bloodmouth, I fully understand why some people have moral objections to eating meat. I am simply here to ask about it, as someone who is not a vegan.

So I suppose I have a few questions for anyone who wants to answer them, 100% as your own opinions and feelings about the topic.

Why do you make the conscious decision to not eat meat/animal products? Do you have negative feelings towards those who raise their own animals for food, such as those who raise chickens for eggs or cattle for milk, and otherwise treat the animals ethically? Are there other reasons for not eating meat that I’m not considering? When did you choose to switch to a vegan lifestyle, what (if any) was the “catalyst”? What are some challenges that you have dealt with when it comes to this lifestyle? Why do you believe there is a continued stigma around veganism in many physical/internet communities?

I understand that as someone who isn’t vegan, this is not my space, and I am trying to be as respectful as possible while here. If I have said anything objectionable within my questions or otherwise, please let me know so I can avoid making the mistake in the future.

EDIT: Holy crap, thank you all for the responses! I appreciate y’all for taking the time out of your day to respond and share your knowledge. I’m going to go watch Dominion within the next few days since some of you mentioned that.

  • rah
    5 months ago

    Why do you make the conscious decision to not eat meat/animal products?

    I don’t want the karma/energy of the animal industry to enter my body. For example, viewing living, breathing, feeling animals as a resource or a commodity, keeping animals on concrete floors, debeaking chicks, removing the wings from queen bees, putting live chicks in chopping machines, etc.

    Also, animals are pumped full of antibiotics and other medicines as a preventative measure, even when they’re healthy. I don’t want that in my body either.

    Also, even though the animal industry would have us believe that slaughter houses are humane places where innocent animals are peacefully and gently put to sleep, my understanding is that this is very far from the reality and many animals are absolutely shitting themselves before and as they’re killed, meaning their bodies are full of panic hormones like adrenalin, cortisol, etc. Again, I don’t want that in my body.