Arguably one of the best moments in the SNW Musical episode subspace rhapsody was Bruce Horak Cameo as the captain of the Klingon boy band. But there is a deleted scene of the opera version that while absolutly best scene won, would be fun to see released to fans

      11 months ago

      TMDB is even less representative than IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes (which already skew older, male and are very American in representation).

      It’s fine if you subscribe to a group that aligns with your own views, but don’t take the self-selected non statistically valid outcome as anything but a reflection of the subgroup that subscribes.

      Paramount+ on the other hand needs to draw in a large and demographically diverse audience to maintain a subscription base. The episode wasn’t a hit with your niche, but other ones will be. It definitely was a hit in our household.