• aeronmelon@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Half of South Koreans have no religious affiliation

    only about twenty percent of Koreans are of Christian faith.

    Young people are especially non religious.

    The old folk nut job Christian cults are just the loudest.

    So, pretty much EXACTLY like America.

    From the article:

    In a campaign orchestrated by South Korea’s powerful radical Christian lobby, anti-gay protesters have been working relentlessly to cancel a set of regional bylaws that protect schoolchildren and teenagers from discrimination on several grounds, including sexual orientation and gender identity.

    Votes to abolish two of the seven bylaws were passed last week, and the others face similar votes or are the target of abolition demands.

    If disenfranchising children isn’t worse, please tell me what you think it is.

    • miseducator@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Life is certainly tough on students, but their lives are getting better. There’s no longer corporal punishment, so no more slapping physically for the past ten years. A lot more laws protecting them from overwork. This is an opinion piece that leaves out a lot of important information, such was what region these bylaws were being cancelled in (small, conservative area). While that might suck for some kids, it’s not nearly as widespread as the article would have you believe. These Christian sects see the writing on the wall and are putting a lot of effort to try to spread their dying hate and they’re mostly failing at doing that.