Saddens me a bit. People like this remind me of my grandpa. He never got a good education and is borderline illiterate, much like a lot of the people you see here. He also falls for similar ways of thinking. I believe that you see a lot of this obvious lack of proficiency in language among these folks because a good education, among other things, helps to immunize you against bullshit. These people never got that, and it makes me feel sorry for them.
What’s Sky Habor?
Phoenix International Airport
Such a badass name for an airport
He was waved through Sky Harbor airport, LOL
All right, I can understand “waived threw”, because those are actual words. How did “habor” happen, though? Spell check exists!
Edit: pardon me. I seem to have fallen into the ago-old trap of trying to apply logic and reason to sovcit stuff. Never mind.
Saddens me a bit. People like this remind me of my grandpa. He never got a good education and is borderline illiterate, much like a lot of the people you see here. He also falls for similar ways of thinking. I believe that you see a lot of this obvious lack of proficiency in language among these folks because a good education, among other things, helps to immunize you against bullshit. These people never got that, and it makes me feel sorry for them.