Hey folks, I’ve been training Loras now for a while, and have some scripts I really like that I’ve been working with. However, I realized I haven’t been keeping up lately, so, is SDXL still the best for Loras? And by that I mean before with 1.5 and standard SDXL is the most accurate quality I’ve received.

My Loras seem to work fine with Lightning and Turbo models, but is there anything else I should look into? Any major things that you’ve changed in the last 6 months to your trainings? Is sdxl_base the best basemodel to train off of?

  • wewbull
    5 months ago

    Comparing base model to base model I think Cascade is quite a lot better than SDXL, but …and it’s an enormous but… It seems to have been shunned by the community.

    Maybe nobody with resources to do training is interested in a model with commercial restrictions, or the multi-model flow was just too different for people. Not sure, but the output of the base model can be really nice. Not always, but I find the biggest errors are people taking on a painterly/waxy appearance rather than the arm turning into a leg body horror you can get with SDXL. I think the “compressed” Stage C works to keep the composition together across the whole image more.

    • istanbullu@lemmy.ml
      4 months ago

      I think Cascade doesn’t have the ecosystem that SD15 and SDXL have built in the last year. It might be a better model on fundamentals, but that doesn’t help if the ecosystem is not there.