This week has been a time of change for many of us. Likewise, change is something that is inevitable in all our lives. In this way, what changes or events did you go through that affected your outlook on life or yourself?

    1 year ago

    It’s kind of a long story but lately I’ve been losing my faith in humanity. I may have to take someone I considered a friend to court to settle a debt in the near future but that is just one recent contribution to this mindset. I have always said if you lend money to friends or family be prepared to lose one of them, and im happy to cut this person out of my life. I just used to think of my friends and family as plants with whom time and effort equated to the nourishment of sun and water and that all of this created a healthy thriving ecosystem between all of us. Now I just feel exhausted and that the cost outweighs the benefit.

      1 year ago

      Is that all because of this one person, or has it been piling up and they’re the last straw?