Funding for unique environmental projects designed by young people for young people has been announced by NatureScot during this year’s Green Health Week.

Anyone between 11 and 26 can apply to the Future Routes Fund with project ideas that directly connect young people with nature and help improve their local environment. Green Health Week highlights how greater use of the outdoors can help to tackle physical inactivity, mental health issues and health inequalities. This year it overlaps with Mental Health Awareness Week, the theme of which is ‘moving more for our mental health’.

YouGov research for The Woodland Trust last year showed that although seven out of 10 16-24-year-olds in the UK are worried about climate change and its effects, 86% of people surveyed felt that being outdoors and among nature had a positive effect on their mental health.

NatureScot hopes the Future Routes Fund will increase the number of young people who access nature and empower them to take positive actions towards reducing biodiversity loss and climate change.