I planed something a range character. Perhaps a Wood Elf for the increased movement. Not sure about it.

Str 8 Dex 16 Con 16 Int 8 (fixed with the circle of enlightment), Wis 14 and Cha 12

  1. Fighter (For HP, martial weapons, armor, etc.)
  2. Barbarian (For HP)
  3. Rogue (sneak attack & skills)
  4. Bard (Bardic Inspiration for skills)
  5. Vengeance Paladin (HP, Lay of Hands)
  6. Ranger
  7. War Cleric (Shield of Faith, Divine Favor)
  8. Monk
  9. Wild Sorcerer (at least we have Tides of Chaos)
  10. Fiend Warlock (Eldritch Blast, Protection from Good & Evil) 11 & 12. Druid & Wizard (nothing!)


  • Oldmandan@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    Wizard; better than you think, probably want to take it early. You’ll end up with fourth level spell slots available to you, so you’ll be able to spend gold to learn spells up to that level. Also rituals offer a ton of utility.

    Realistically, you’re building it as a martial right now, when in general I think it scales much better as a caster. Take wizard and warlock early, lean on Eldritch Blast (since it scales well with char level), pick up Fighter or Paladin relatively early for armour profs, then ignore martials to the very end (save maybe Rogue), because they really give you nothing but HP.