His reputation, future, and even perhaps the White House’s destiny, will on Wednesday be placed in the hands of 12 citizens of his native New York City, proving that not even once-and-possibly future commanders in chief are above the law.

Seven men and five women jurors will retire for deliberations on Trump’s six-week hush money trial after Judge Juan Merchan instructs them on the law and their duties. No jury in American history has faced such a task — deciding whether a former president and presumptive major party nominee will be convicted of a crime. And while the jury, which can deliberate for as long as it needs, is bound to decide its verdict on 34 felony charges on the testimony and evidence in the case alone, its decision will reverberate across the nation and the world at a critical moment of the 2024 presidential election.

The trial slogged toward its end on Tuesday in nearly 10 hours of closing arguments that burst into open hostility between rival lawyers.

“You have to put aside the distractions, the press, the politics, the noise. Focus on the evidence and the logical inference that can be drawn from that evidence,” prosecution lawyer Joshua Steinglass told the jury.

“In the interest of justice and in the name of the people of the state of the New York, I ask you to find the defendant guilty. Thank you.”

  • PseudorandomNoise@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Wow, literally the first sentence and already this article is full of shit.

    His reputation is set in stone already. No matter what the jury decides he will appeal, and keep appealing until there’s no one left to appeal to. He will not drop out of the race even if he is jailed (spoiler alert, he won’t be), but assuming hell freezes over he’ll still get at least 40 million votes.

    Fuck articles like this. Why even post this click-bait trash!?

    • TachyonTele@lemm.ee
      4 months ago

      He’s such a low bottom feeder he’ll appeal if they find him not guilty on every charge.