#WhatchaReading ? I’m halfway through Behind These Doors, a queer historical (with some polyamory) involving class issues and women’s suffrage. One main character is a “nob,” the other a reporter who was raised “above his station” and feels like neither fish nor fowl. It was edited by K.J. Charles so you know it’s good. :-)

On KU, supposed to be part of a series but I think there’s only the one so far.


  • Wendy Palmer@mastodon.au
    23 days ago

    @willaful @romancelandia @romancebooks “the good book hangover” - yes! That’s exactly what it is, I’ll have to remember that phrase 😊

    I adored The Mars House but—assuming you’ve not read Natasha Pulley before—might be better to start with one of her earlier books. She’s previously written literary historicals with a mild fantastic element and understated gay pining, whereas the Mars House is science-fiction, also with the understated gay pining, but also all in on her tendency to zigzag all over moral grey areas. I love her, she’s my favourite author, but she’s not traditional romance genre as such 🤷‍♀️