TBP friend group. I suggest everyone take a look at the Jillian Harris reddit snark. Yesterday Justin Pasutto- Jillian Harris’s fiancé and baby daddy send an email blast from Pasutto Media to Jillian’s email list. This is against the law in Canada. People are reporting Justin’s email blast as spam. A JH follower responded to Justin’s email, writing that she never agreed to receive emails from Pasutto Media and labeled the email CASL (Canada Anti Spam Legislation). Justin’s response was to threaten the JH follower. Justin accused the woman of spamming him (???) and wrote “How bad do you want this to get”. Jillian and TBP are good friends, they are good friends with Alicia Mccarvell who openly doxes people. These influencers think they are above the law.

  • bunniculamonroe@lemmy.ca
    4 months ago

    This is a big yikes and illegal. I would be so livid and embarrassed if my husband used my email list that I worked so hard at building for his own personal gain. It makes her look bad, harms her business, and is a direct violation of trust to her and her followers who signed up. Unless of course she granted him permission which make her just as guilty. He shouldn’t even have access to that stuff.