If this post isn’t allowed please delete just looking for help. This isn’t about Sarah but her minion Alicia. I commented on a story she posted and she has since posted it to her stories. I’ve had many people trying to add me. What can I do? If anyone can please report the post. I don’t need to be harassed by her people.

    • JanetteEwen@lemmy.ca
      5 days ago

      Also sorry I’m a dummy. I deleted the screenshots of the stories. I should have blocked the names. I really hope AM’s minions leave you alone.

    • JanetteEwen@lemmy.ca
      5 days ago

      I’m sorry you are being harassed. It’s really not ok that Alicia does that. She’s a bully.

      • MoonChild@lemmy.ca
        4 days ago

        She’s a bully who is currently speaking at VidCon in Anaheim on a panel about being bullied. This woman is such a hypocrite and, I believe, must be stopped. She’s going to sit up there and boo hoo about people making rude comments about her size and tell her made up back story about being a fat kid (she wasn’t and, in fact, people from her school days have come forward in the sub saying she and her gang bullied them (the bigger kids) in school. I’m drafting a letter to the VidCon asking them to take more care when populating panels and choosing the creators they highlight.

        • olivesandpoppies@lemmy.ca
          4 days ago

          Vidcon is awful. Panels at vidcon aren’t thoroughly checked at all! Creators I know in real life (personall) were on a panel years ago where one fellow panelist was freaking deadnamed by someone on the stage. They didn’t even apologize when called out, so this made me question the caliber of guests. They are not guaranteed to be high quality, referenced or even checked for problematic possibilities. Anyone can start a podcast, anyone can document their lives online, but not everyone will be good humans. When it’s a “look at me, look at me” type event, then of course the level of morality will drop. They all choose fame over humanity whenever given the chance.