would it be the tasty billionaire? Or perhaps go for an bit of flavour and choose la Francais? It would have to be raw, as a naked flame does consume a certain amount of oxygen.
Id go for the French guy.
would it be the tasty billionaire? Or perhaps go for an bit of flavour and choose la Francais? It would have to be raw, as a naked flame does consume a certain amount of oxygen.
Id go for the French guy.
Bit in poor taste mate.
maybe. 500 people died in a boat off greece last week and nobody batted an eyelid. It just dosnt capture the imagination i guess
That doesn’t justify your post though.
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Lol. Don’t get me wrong of course bad stuff happens all day every day and most of it doesn’t get reported / capture peoples attention, that much is obvious. All I meant was that that doesn’t necessarily make it funny to mock the death of people just because it was reported. Wasn’t trying to start a debate or owt.
i thought you just preferred greek food
Snacks is low trolling you. I’d just mute him if I were you.
I know, I’m just not playing into it because there’s no point. :)