• Star Wars Enjoyer @lemmygrad.ml
    11 months ago

    Alright, I can see there’s really no point dealing with you then.

    Why doesn’t communism have a gun in the meme? because that’s not the meme. It’s that simple.

    I looked at your other interactions in other places on lemmy federation, and I can see this is a pattern with you. You seem to only be open to your own interpretation of a subject, then you seem to try to force people to use your logic in the conversation. That feels ‘bad faith’ to me, so I’m just gonna go ahead and ban you. You don’t seem to actually want to discuss Socialism in good faith.

    • rah
      11 months ago

      Why doesn’t communism have a gun in the meme? because that’s not the meme. It’s that simple.

      Right, it’s an attempt to shoehorn an idea into a meme when the idea doesn’t fit.

      you seem to try to force people to use your logic in the conversation

      LOL logic isn’t subjective.

      I’m just gonna go ahead and ban you

      Wow. Probably for the best, aye.

      You don’t seem to actually want to discuss Socialism in good faith.

      If that’s your conclusion from my behaviour then to me your conclusion reflects a dearth of reason in your life.

      I wish you well.