Video confirmation that it was intentional

Kh-101 cruise missile debris

Video footage of the missile hitting “Okhmadit” clearly shows that it was the Kh-101 cruise missile.

The characteristic wings on the body and the rounded shape of the nose indicate that it was the Kh-101 strategic missile, which completely refutes the propagandists’ versions of the alleged fall of an air defense missile fired from the Patriot air defense system on the hospital.

Also, the trajectory on which the Kh-101 flies clearly demonstrates that the missile is purposefully going to the target, which was a children’s hospital.

Two people died in the “Okhmatdyt” hospital as a result of an attack by the Russian Federation.

According to the mayor of the city, both are adults. In particular, one doctor.

    3 months ago

    What you talk about is a media coverage and political pressure issue. Not-current-world-hegemon doing the same does not make it right to bring the current issue back to media coverage and political pressure issue just because they are kinda the underdog.

    Talk about any imperial power’s or terrorist organizations’ war crimes and crimes against humanity and you wouldn’t find a shortage of evidence to incriminate them to hell and back. They will try to come up with deflective actions like burying the news, denying the facts, crowding the talks, go with whataboutism, or outright bully other countries to denounce one side to protect the crimes of the other. None of it makes direct attack in broad daylight to a hospital located among residential buildings a matter of discussion in a world wide political context.