I take issue with the word “immigrant” as it implies compliance, but okay.
No, that was not my intent, but I see your point. I think this is really all I meant to say:
Most former colonies of Britain can feel the influence of its culture a lot more than Britain feels the influence of any of its colonies’ cultures.
So when Britain says “we totally invented how to put butter and spices in a tomatoe base and add some chicken”. And tries to claim one of the last few things they haven’t from this subcontinent? I get kinda angry.
Who is this mythical ‘Britain’ that is saying this? Is it the King? Is it Farage? Or is it the 8% of our population with South Asian heritage? We’re a multi-cultural nation. The colonial and imperial roots of that absolutely can’t be ignored, but they don’t erase the stake that BAME people have in this country.
Some British people originally came from the sub-continent; get over it
“British chefs with South Asian heritage” lmao. That’s one way of putting it.
Yes. I agree. It is VERY British.
Would you like to go more into the origin of the phrase “British-Indian”?
I’m not denying the fucked up colonial history. You seem to be denying that South Asian immigrants are British - they are
I take issue with the word “immigrant” as it implies compliance, but okay.
No, that was not my intent, but I see your point. I think this is really all I meant to say:
Most former colonies of Britain can feel the influence of its culture a lot more than Britain feels the influence of any of its colonies’ cultures.
So when Britain says “we totally invented how to put butter and spices in a tomatoe base and add some chicken”. And tries to claim one of the last few things they haven’t from this subcontinent? I get kinda angry.
Who is this mythical ‘Britain’ that is saying this? Is it the King? Is it Farage? Or is it the 8% of our population with South Asian heritage? We’re a multi-cultural nation. The colonial and imperial roots of that absolutely can’t be ignored, but they don’t erase the stake that BAME people have in this country.
Some British people originally came from the sub-continent; get over it
It still sounds ridiculous to make that dish the national dish of Britain.
Can you explain why that makes any sense?