When your government botches an election in such a spectacular way, it is expected that the population would react in any country. I don’t know where you live, but if some protofascist steals an election e.g. Bolsonaro/Trump, we will both be out there rioting with good reason, it won’t be because the CIA paid us.
Or in other words: Potential protesters are not sitting at home like “Oh man, I so want to protest this shit, but the CIA didn’t pay me yet, so I can’t :(”
did you want to try again?
When your government botches an election in such a spectacular way, it is expected that the population would react in any country. I don’t know where you live, but if some protofascist steals an election e.g. Bolsonaro/Trump, we will both be out there rioting with good reason, it won’t be because the CIA paid us.
Or in other words: Potential protesters are not sitting at home like “Oh man, I so want to protest this shit, but the CIA didn’t pay me yet, so I can’t :(”