In this post, I saw a lot of people coming to Bad Empanada’s defense, and felt like they may be uninformed about his actual positions of things, so I felt that this ought to be posted.

  • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
    2 months ago

    The US is allies with Turkey and ISIS and green lit the Turkish invasion. Some “allies” the US is, looks a lot more like they are dogs and vassals who have to take any and all abuse because they got in bed with the devil and sold out.

    Odd that the SDF just “released” 200 ISIS prisoners all at once as soon as their territory (illegally occupied oil refineries) is under threat. If they hate IS so much why are they releasing IS fighters to kill Arabs to protect their interests?

    They are stealing Syrian oil. They ethnically cleansed Arabs throughout Syria. These are facts you cannot dispute or address.

    You are the wall here, evidenced by you holding a 2016 circa opinion that 99.99% of socialists have moved on from. It’s YOU who is wrong and stubborn and incapable of learning new information.