We inspected Queensway News (15 Queensway Dunstable) in April 2023 as part of an enforcement action day and then again in June. On both occasions illegal vapes were discovered, with 621 illegal vapes seized following the two inspections.

The case was heard at Luton Magistrates’ Court, where Mr Abubakar Nahri, the manager of Queensway News, pleaded guilty to three charges under the tobacco-related products regulations, one charge under the consumer protection regulations, and one charge under the children and families act.

He was found guilty of selling vaping products that did not adhere to legal requirements and for supplying vapes to a child under the age of 18. These illicit products not only posed potential health risks to consumers but also violated the law.

He was sentenced to a fine of £1,000, ordered to pay a costs contribution of £2,874, and pay a victim surcharge of £400 for the illicit vapes found on his premises. The court also ordered the vapes to be destroyed.

A council spokesperson said:

The law is clear: the regulations are there to protect consumers from potential harm. Queensway News’ disregard for these laws put people, including children, at risk and we hope that this case serves as a reminder that the illicit sale of vaping products will not go unpunished. We will always take action to remove illegal products when we find them, and we will continue to enforce regulations designed to protect the health and wellbeing of our residents. Businesses may be tempted to sell illegal tobacco or vaping products to customers who think they are getting the genuine product. Not only is this illegal, but this is also theft from the taxpayer and undermines the public confidence in legitimate traders.

Volunteers needed for Trading Standards Inspections

We are currently looking for volunteers under the age of 18 to assist their trading standards team with inspections. This would involve going into a store and attempting to purchase a vape without producing identification. The volunteer would need to be available on weekday evenings and be able to visit towns and villages within Central Bedfordshire. They will not be required to complete test purchases in the town/village they live in. This work is vital to ensure that stores in Central Bedfordshire are acting correctly and that children do not purchase age-restricted products. All volunteers need the written permission of their parents or guardians. Travel is arranged and you will receive a certificate which can be used as part of your CV.

Anyone who would like to volunteer, or anyone concerned that they have been sold counterfeit vapes or nicotine products, should call 0300 300 8302 or email trading.standards@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk. You can also report them online website.

Report underage sales