For me its:

  1. Ultima Online

  2. Final Fantasy XI

  3. Ragnarok Online

UO was a game I just recently discovered and it’s fantastic, best sandbox experience I’ve ever had in a game.

FFXI was another recent discovery. It took the formula from Everquest and made it better. The game is even less grindy today with the QOL changes.

RO was a big part of my teenage years. I love the look of the game, it reminds me of Final Fantasy Tactics. It’s a great casual game to just pop into and grind out some levels or explore.

  • TheWurstman [he/him]
    1 month ago

    I’ve played since 2003 or something it was a game that followed me through my whole life and I’ve wasted tons of time on it. I’m not playing rn though because I find oldschool to be fun but it doesn’t have as much of the social element as it did back when I was a kid. I feel like most modern mmos went in that direction though.