I’m looking for a good site to get solid review on porn acting/storylines, specifically I’d love to find which JAVs have the best stories/acting.

Any leads?

  • data_currator@lemmynsfw.com
    1 year ago

    For English language JAV reviews, the ZENRA blog is likely your best option.

    For general JAV discussion, the ScanLover forum is great - you’d likely get a good discussion going about specifics of acting & story.

    For non-JAV discussion and reviews, AdultDVDTalk has been the best I’ve found, but the bar is very low. The mods are pretty aggressive about enforcing their rules to the point that I’ve always just lurked rather than participate.

    Honestly - my dream setup for this is integrating a scene database like StashDB with a voting-based discussion system like Lemmy. I’m not aware of anything that allows such modular discussion of scene, performer, studio, tag, etc.

    ~resists urge to take on another project~