Interplay‘s Lord of the Rings was the first big box game I bought from my own money. It was on sale at the local Karstadt mall. I never completed the game, but loved it so much! What was your first game, bought with your own money?
#retrogaming #interplay

  • Oliver
    5 months ago first games were ‘Pssst!’ and ‘3D Combat Zone’ for the ZX Spectrum. The choice in our local computer shop in a small town in northern Germany was not big. I think they had maybe 5 games for the Speccy and 10 games for the C64. So it was pure luck that ‘Pssst’ was well made and actually fun. ‘3D Combat Zone’ was a Battlezone clone, but I had never heard of that before. I wanted it because it had 3D in it’s name. Was not that bad but a bit slow compared to the original.